More than 100 thousand worth gift to Mažeikiai on the eve of the 44th birthday of ORLEN Lietuva refinery



April 26th is not just a date for Lithuania and Poland. On this very day 30 years ago, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Poland signed an agreement on friendly relations and good neighboring cooperation. To mark this special anniversary of the friendship between our nations, AB ORLEN Lietuva and Mažeikiai Museum invite to the permanent interactive exposition ‘Naftos kelias’ opened in Mažeikiai Museum.

Created for several years with the funds of AB ORLEN Lietuva, it is a unique exhibition that can hardly be found in the Baltic States, or in neighboring Poland, where crude oil is also processed. The history of oil industry, with development of crude oil production, refining and logistics, as well as its future is introduced in one of the most picturesque halls of Mažeikiai Museum. Visitors of the interactive exposition will have a unique opportunity to enjoy a bird's eye view of the refinery spread across more than 1'000 hectares, and to learn how Mažeikiai, bearing the name of the city of oilmen, was growing together with the development of this industrial giant. 

The exhibition is tailored to all age groups. The youngest will certainly have fun while watching the journey of a crude oil drop through the piping, while the older visitors will be able to touch, smell and guess the products and items that can be made of crude oil. The exhibition is also tailored to the disabled visitors, with labelling in Braille, and the possibility to touch the exhibits and access video content even from a wheelchair.

 AB ORLEN Lietuva is among the major sponsors of cultural, sports, heritage and educational projects both on the local as well as the national level. ‘Every year, around 1 million Euro are allocated by the Company to support various initiatives’, said Radoslaw Misztalewski, General Director of AB ORLEN Lietuva. ‘More than 100 thousand Euro were allocated for this permanent interactive exposition ‘Naftos kelias’. It is our gift to Mažeikiai presented on the eve of the 44th birthday of the refinery’.

The exposition ‘Naftos kelias’ will open in Mažeikiai Museum (at Burbos g. 9, Mažeikiai) on 26 April, at 1 PM. Media representatives planning to visit the event are requested for prior notification to e-mail or mob. tel. 8 620 38049, with indication of their full names, and the represented mass media. 

ORLEN Lietuva inf.



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